Lee Ann SEtzer

Lee Ann SEtzer
About Me
Name: Lee Ann Setzer
Gender: Female
Age: Classified
State: Utah
Education: M.S. in speech-language pathology
School: Brigham Young University
LDS Mission: Sendai, Japan
Husband: Stupendous Man (Spiff for short)
Cats: Puck and Gus
Children: T-Bone, the Joker, and Buffy
Nephew: Whomp
Special Talent: Eating grapes off the vine using chopsticks
Motto: “Famous by noon tomorrow” (Provo residents: name that local reference!)
Writers: J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, Lois McMaster Bujold, Orson Scott Card, Jane Yolen, Bill Watterson, Louis Sachar
Quote: “Check your assumptions. In fact, check your assumptions at the door.” (Bujold)
Food: chocolate, pizza, sashimi
Travel Desinations: Seattle, Santa Barbara, Sendai
Many Hats
My husband Spiff and I both grew up in the Mojave Desert and both joined the LDS church when we were in high school. We met at the end of our senior year, but it took both of us going to BYU and serving missions to Japan before we actually had enough in common to get married. We grew up in towns where NASA was the local religion. He occasionally looks deep into my eyes and says, “I had to marry you. You’re the only one who truly understands about the US space program.”
I was going to be an astronaut when I grew up but instead became:
• a speech-language pathologist
• a mother of three incredibly energetic and verbal children
• a novelist
• the chief designer of the family backyard railway
Life around here is a constant exercise in juggling hats.
I like to sew, garden, and read and would rather go visiting than traveling. In Japan, I vowed to eat whatever anyone put in front of me; and I did: raw squid, rotten bean paste (natto), octopus tentacles. Everything except onions. Onions are the same on both sides of the ocean.
Have a good time in my corner of the Web, and drop me an email!
Lee Ann