Lee Ann Setzer



Click on the titles below for sample chapters from my latest projects!

Sariah McDuff Gets Some Ancestors

     Sariah has the most boring ancestors in the world. But that’s ok...she just makes up some better ones!

The Iron Bodkin

    A renegade fairy dressmaker in Civil War Chicago accidentally curses all the women of an entire family—and they track her down.

Hidden: A Novel of Esther

    Mordecai the scribe loses his beloved adopted daughter, Hadassah, to the complex and corrupt workings of the Persian palace. Can she win the king’s love without losing her own soul?

White Whisker Magic

    In Book 1 of the “Fuzzy Magic” series, Chip, who is afraid of pretty much everything, makes friends with Fluky, a black kitten with white whiskers whose purrs bring good luck. Chip knows he can win the big wrestling tournament—if only he can get Fluky to stop biting him and purr!